Get the Anti-Reservation logo now!
Didn't your blood boil watching the peacefully protesting students being mercilessly beaten? Weren't you moved by knowing about the hunger-strike called on by the students of AIIMS to protest against the reservations and quotas?
Are you with the vote-crazy politicians ruling the country or are you more concerned about the future of our nation?
Support the anti-reservation campaign today. Let us join our hands and voice our disapproval.
Remember your support counts!

Put this logo on your site ,on your blog, as a profile pic, display pic or just about anywhere. Let people know you are against reservation!
Are you with the vote-crazy politicians ruling the country or are you more concerned about the future of our nation?
Support the anti-reservation campaign today. Let us join our hands and voice our disapproval.
Remember your support counts!

Put this logo on your site ,on your blog, as a profile pic, display pic or just about anywhere. Let people know you are against reservation!
Note: COPY (Ctrl+C) the entire code and just PASTE (Ctrl+V) it in the source of your page.
To download it: Right-Click on the picture and choose "Save Picture As" (Internet Explorer) and "Save Image As" (Firefox).
Good going buddy.
The romance of rebellion can blur ideology. I was 18 when I marched down the streets of Delhi against Mandal; wide-eyed at the war cries of young men who were all IAS aspirants, but seemed at the time to be icons of radicalism.
So, every morning, we would huddle together in the protective shelter of an ageing tree at St. Stephen’s College, listen to long and fiery speeches on the murder of merit, and then, armed with the ammunition of youth, take to the roads.
A few years later when real life brought me face to face with the complexity of caste, I was embarrassed that the milestone from those years would read 'anti-Mandalite'. Perhaps, I wondered, we had just been a bunch of kids desperate to have something to get angry about; a generation in search of a cause.
Either way, looking back, it all felt hopelessly elitist and naïve. Not anymore. Life has turned full circle, and I’m finally stepping out from the shadow of political correctness, to think, maybe we weren't so wrong back then; our reasons may have been uninformed and uneducated, our motives questionable, but we had batted on the right side, even if by accident.
Reservations have become a joke. We all know the statistics. More than 80 per cent of Dalit students never make it past Class X; more than 80 per cent of the reserved seats in vocational institutes remain unused; and in engineering colleges it's even worse — more than 90 per cent of seats in the reserved category just lie empty.
Read the entire story here...
Real good begining yaar
show them everywhere.. we are against u and ur damn policies
i already have it on my profile
and gr8 going
Really Nice start!!
All Graduates should oppose the govt for their vote-bank politics
say no to reservation is half said say no to going back to becoming slaves of politicians as if it was not sufficient enough to be ruled by britishers and before them god knows so many people,say no to vote crazy politicians who cannot think beyond the next general election.i am a diploma holder on interior present iam working in college books store.i interact with many students everyday.we r situated opposite one of the biggest college in terms of students enrolled of mumbai.i can say for sure all those who got admissions on some other criteria like reservations and quotas other than merit donot end completing their education.u can check the records of somaiya polytechnic vidhyavihar and look for urself that last year 80 % students failed in first year and 60% in second year .same is the case with all colleges in mumbai may it be engineering or medical .anybody who scored 50% in pcm in hsc board exam cannot solve problems in mechanics or solve drawings orthographic or isometric probs.they simply waste the seat which could have gone to a student who got may be 89%.he doesnt get the seat because he is not a obc .same in case with medines .the doctors who pASS of reservations r not of the quality they should be.FOR EXAMPLE recently my wife gave birth to a baby girl which was prematured delivery in 7 th month she was kept in neonatal care icu due low birth weight of only 1.15kg. i admitted her to the most expensive icu facility in ghatkopar east .their she developed jaundice .the staff was unprepared and unfit medically they were not able to explain me the treatment given to her they told in hindi hum light de rahe hai.i asked for proper answer none of them satisfied last attemptcalled my family doctor who explained me that they must be giving her phototherapy using uv rays .what the use paying so much and u get staff which has passed of from u.p.(i inquired from reliable sources) on a quota basis if he cannot explain such small thing to the parents of the patient.i want the under priveleged to be part of the mainstream but only on merit basis.other SIGNIFICANT POINT THAT IS BEING MISSED IS THIS WILL LEAD TO BRAIN DRAIN PHENOMENON.IF A GENUINE PERSON CANNOT GET ADMISSIONS IN SOMAIYA COLLEGE ENGINEERING OR SIMSR MANAGEMENT STUDIES HE CAN EASILY OPT FOR AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITY AND GET A DEGREE AT THE SAME COST AND SUCH A FELLOW WILL NEVER COME BACK TO INDIA BECAUSE THE HATRED HE WILL CARRY IN HIS OR HER HEART WILL BE THERE FOR REST OF HIS LIFE TOWARDS THE INDIAN QUOTA REGIME.I WAS TALKING TO A STUDENT WHO WAS GIVING HIS FINAL B.E. EXAM ABOUT HIS FUTURE PLANS HE TOLD WHY SHOULD I SPEND ONE YEAR PREPARING FOR IIMS CAT MBA OR CET MAH MBA EXAMS WHICH WILL NOT GUARANTEE HIS ADMISIONS DUE RESERVATIONS HE IS GOING TO UK FOR HIS MBA AND WILL NEVER COME BACK GIVEN A CHANCE TO STAY IN UK .
it would be better if you could spread the Youth For Equality Logo, which is on our site.
only a suggestion.
I think you shoud distribute stickers of this logo for people to stick on their windshields and house entrances.I would love to do so.
Ramesh Jain
we the young generation need to punish this politicians for their votebank politics , arjun singh's heart doesn't beat for OBC's. he just want to project himself the god of all backward classess.
good move and i am already having this logo with me and i am definately wih u all, for these noble cause and to protect our future from being spoiled by these dirty politicians....
finally aamir khan has decided to support the quota system, which is his democratic right.
he will soon be writing to arjun singh giving directions and guidelines to implement the policy.
as supreme court is also going to hear petitions about reservation policy, aamir will HIMSELF continuously monitor the situation and provide guiance to govt. as and when he thinks necessary.
He may be joined also by shabana azmi and mahesh bhatt in due course.
wow !! good going!! all support from all youths who support equality !!
keep up the good work ! Equality is something we lack and such a start is a must.
Good Goin dude...Lets show dis sick n filthy govt. whr it stands!! We'r not gona go nywhre wid it rulin dis country...
Keep it up or Down. Let Dalits in India die and all of you will get US residency. Good Luck, Good Guys.
One of the zillion blogs rolled out by brahminical PR mafia.
I think you shoud distribute stickers of this logo for people to stick on their windshields and house entrances.I would love to do so.
The United States has what we call Affirmative Action which is, as I'm sure you know, basically the same thing as is absolutely Reverse-Discrimination.
It is now being challenged in various states here...when put on a ballot referendum in the state of Michigan recently it was soundly defeated. When the politicians put these types of issues on the ballot so that all citizens have a voice in the process, these measures are usually defeated. Affrimative Action was created in 1961 by Presidental Decree (the people weren't given the opportunity to vote on the measure) here in the U.S. and hasn't corrected the problems it was orginally intended to solve, it has however made things worse. Instead of helping a segment of the population advance in society it has caused them to be resented because of their Special Rights over others. People in this country are now realizing that the policy, no matter how well intentioned, is nothing more than a form of Discrimination in and of itself. Students with higher grade point averages are being denied entrance to college and highly qualified employees are being denied jobs because of quotas. Good luck with your opposition...don't let those that favor this form of Discrimination label you as being bigoted, you are simply being fair minded. Everyone should be treated equally, no one should have Special Rights over others and that is exactly what Reservation does. Discrimination shouldn't happen in any way shape or form, and trading one form of Discrimination for another will not solve the nations problems. It won't cause Caste related attitudes to improve infact it will make them worse. Resentment will continue to grow.
hai i lov it and now i put the logo in my every profile and soon get some print out so that i can spred through normal people...and heads of the student who faught for non reservation...
yesterday i saw that 41 students out of 45 were from reserved classes.They were to pay just Rs. 145/ as there school fee. While remaining four students paid Rs. 450/each.I know that these four students were in no better economic condition than many of the students from reserved classes.Even some parents of the reserved class students were paying income tax.How can it be justified that that Ramvilas Pasvan an R.T.S. PAYS RS. 145/ FOR HIS SON AND A POOR THAKUR HAS TO PAY RS.450/.EVEN IF THE QUOTA FOR RESERVATION IS THOUGHT RIGHT BY SOME, ON WHAT GROUND CAN THEY JUSTIFY THIS DISCREPENCY IN FEES? NO PLACE FOR THEM EVEN IN HELL.
yesterday I saw that 41 students out of 45 were from reserved classes.They were to pay just Rs. 145/ as there school fee. While remaining four students paid Rs. 450/each.I know that these four students were in no better economic condition than many of the students from reserved classes.Even some parents of the reserved class students were paying income tax.How can it be justified that that Ramvilas Pasvan an R.T.S. PAYS RS. 145/ FOR HIS SON AND A POOR THAKUR HAS TO PAY RS.450/.EVEN IF THE QUOTA FOR RESERVATION IS THOUGHT RIGHT BY SOME, ON WHAT GROUND CAN THEY JUSTIFY THIS DISCREPENCY IN FEES? NO PLACE FOR THEM EVEN IN HELL.
RESERVATION IS A DISEASE IN OUR COUNTRY. Recently in gujar”s riots many peoples lost there lives .
Due to reservation our country is developing not developed, for an eg. In IAS exam THERE IS AROUND 50% RESERVATION FOR SC , ST, etc. these 50%become IAS but when there IAS children take exam of IAS they also deserve reservation. IS IT FAIR. Many meritious students left b”coz of reservation.Politicians also provide roof to reservation due to their votes . So it”s my a small try to create a votebank against reservation. Please show to politicians that youth india can do anything ,JOIN THAT COMMUNITY PLZ.
Your comments show that you aren't aware of actual scenario of caste and caste based reservation.
Most ppl like you believe what you have been told by greedy media and some non social elemets who are greedy for not compromising on the benefits of social status given by his caste.......
read my blog
Has anyone of you done anything to uplift the poor? Most people are concerned only about thmeselves when they say that they are against reservation. It is indeed sad that people seem to have no social responsibility. Once you enter into the corporate world you will realize that your progress solely depends upon you. And your education matters to a certain degree but not so much as how you perform. You would have not lost anything because of some getting reservations. It is simply a perception. Before you condemn something, ask yourself, whether you have done anything for the society at all? Good luck.
why you stopped writing
publish more related to reservation
Dear All
India is is heading towards a chaos because of wrong policies of politicians, corrutption and the biggest problem is reservation in India which is going to ruin India's future. 50% of the
doctors,engineers,IAS officers in country are undeserving people.At the same time, people who are capable are denied their rights.
How can one expect this country to progress,when we are actually regressing.Lets come together and start working towards removing these corrupt politicians so that atleast our next generation will not have to run out of country.
Dear All
India is is heading towards a chaos because of wrong policies of politicians, corrutption and the biggest problem is reservation in India which is going to ruin India's future. 50% of the
doctors,engineers,IAS officers in country are undeserving people.At the same time, people who are capable are denied their rights.
How can one expect this country to progress,when we are actually regressing.Lets come together and start working towards removing these corrupt politicians so that atleast our next generation will not have to run out of country.
Why not talk about Reservation for Economically backward class rather than socially backward classes .....
I remember a colleague of mine wid capacity to spend Rs.3000 a nite for celebration ,,,, but his dad submitting forged letters telling his salary is mere Rs.2500 a month and works as a muneem in some company .....
whereas the fact being he owns a full fledged export company .......
So how will the reservation system work to abolish such discrepancies.......
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Hello. And Bye.
I fully agree with Sonu.Reservation should not be given on the basis of caste.By providing reservation to undeserving people,we are not doing anything good for society,we are only making the current situation worse.I would like to ask people who are in favour of reservation that "Will they like to be operated by a doctor who has qualified his degree with the help of reservation?".I have seen people who belong to status families but still taking unfair advantage of reservation.
There is no point talking that "once you enter into corporate world your progress depends on your performace? because some deserving candidates may not enter into corporate world at all due to the reservation crowd.
Guys,we need to wake up before its too late.
I am very against reservations. not even a single % of reservation should be given to anyone(what so ever his/her caste). but our fucking government keeps on fucking our country.., which is a big shame. by doing this we lower down the standard of our country reservation is to be given to anyone in anything.
also if any politician supports no reservation policy in the coming future, then instead of fear of loosing, he/she will definately win by a big margin because then he/she will get support of large no of general category peoples. there r lots of general category peoples who don't vote, but if such a kind of policy is implemented by any politician then i am sure that everyone supports him...and the whole general category supports him, as well as votes him..
Have an idea of the caste system that prevailed in India and then shout for anti reservation.its your great grand fathers who denied the rights of the poor and prevented them from acquiring quality education for long years.generations were treated without equality and their self respect was broken to smithereens by f*****g upper caste people.what the hell do u think you are?that the world belong to u?if there is reservation,it is just poetic justice.what you have done to our self esteem,education,and social life is being repaid now.and u think all the upper caste guys are einsteins?that they dont take bribe?if it weren't for the christian missionaries and the British,you nitwits wud still have been in ur dream world!wake up,buddy!we too r humans,not your slaves ;-).that was long ago !
more than 90% STs are 10th fail-sorry guys the stats are false
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